Thank you for another thought provoking meditation. I guess it is similar to the different perspectives we get of Jesus' life in the four gospels, particularly John. We need the Holy Spirit to reveal the dimensions of truth. Truth is of course "binary" -true or false - but the pursuit of truth is a journey

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Thanks Andrew. Yes, propositional truths have a general binary character since they reflect necessary 'this, not that' distinctions. I suppose what I'm getting at here is that truth is also far greater than its binary characteristics, which represent only the tip of the iceberg. And even the binary can be framed in various ways (eg Mt Cc 5-7). I've met Christians who, having grasped certain propositional truths of the faith, spoke like they possessed all that truth is. If you don't see 'truth' their way, you haven't understood the truth! Only two chapters into the Bible and there's already a very clear sign this is wrongheaded.

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